Discover 5 ways you didn’t know Physiotherapy could help you!

We often associate physiotherapy with muscle and bone injuries. However, it is important to note that physiotherapists have extensive knowledge in other health domains. Here are 5 different ways you didn’t know Physiotherapy could help you!

Increase your athletic performance

When we think of physiotherapy, we often think of it solely as a means to treat injuries. However, physiotherapists have many different strategies that can help you improve your strength, speed, and endurance, all the while preventing future injuries. This will without a doubt go a long way to keeping you on the field, and off the treatment table.

Decrease your risk of falls

Falls remain the leading cause of injury and hospitalization in seniors, as 20-30% of seniors fall every year. This can be due to many different factors including decreased balance, generalised weakness, or walking without the use of a necessary walking aid. An expert like a physiotherapist can help by determining if a walking aid is necessary and by creating an individualized exercise program that focuses on your specific needs and seeks to reduce your risk of falls!

Concussion Management

Concussions are a very common injury in today’s athletes, whether in contact or non-contact sports, and can have a significant impact on one’s everyday life. Physiotherapists can help with baseline testing, early detection, symptom management, return to sport protocols, and much more. Every concussion is different, and an expert like a physiotherapist can guide you to a more efficient recovery.

Increase your Cardiovascular Health

As mentioned above, we often associate physiotherapy with muscle and bone injuries. However, it is important to note that physiotherapists have extensive knowledge in other health domains. For example, they can help you improve your cardiovascular fitness with safe and effective exercise prescription, even for those with health conditions such as Type 1 & 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), and Obesity.

Treatment for Scoliosis and other Postural Syndromes

Scoliosis is a 3-dimensional curvature of the spine that can be linked to many different factors. Age, sexe, and physical maturity can all impact the progression of a scoliosis curvature. Whether it’s in the early stages or with a more advanced curvature, physiotherapy can provide the tools needed to manage scoliosis and prevent unnecessary surgery to stop its progression.

There you have it, 5 different ways you didn’t know physiotherapy could help you! Still not sure if physiotherapy can help you? Why not try our Free Discovery Visit? Contact us for more information!